Sapa to Hanoi by Bus - Bus Camel
Tel/Whatsapp : +84985873537 

Sapa to Hanoi by Bus

Time Table of Bus Camel from Sapa to Hanoi:


– Leave Sapa at        :   7h00 am and 16h00  and  21h30

– Arrive Hanoi at     :  13h15  and  21h00 and 4h00am

– Price 1 way              :  12 USD / 1 ticket

– Please come to our office at : 034 Ngu Chi Son str, Sapa Town before 15 minutes of depature time

– Other request please contact us at : 0923 717907 (Mr Tom)

– Or email us via :



MAKE  BOOKING  send to :



Besides,we can arrange Sapa Tour departure everyday with CHEAPEST PRICE :


Sapa 2 days 1 night in Hotel         : 35 USD / 1person

Sapa 2 days 1 night in Homestay : 30 USD / 1 person

Sapa 3 days 2 nights (1 night hotel + 1 night homestay)  :  50 USD / person


All inclusive : Hotel,homestay,Guide,entrance fee,all Meals,taxes and service charge.
